Title Conventions
Proposals go through several stages throughout their life. Help people see proposal progress at-a-glance in the forum by adopting the standard format for your topic:
[IDEA] Title of Idea
[DRAFT PROPOSAL] Title of Proposal
[PROPOSAL ##] Title of Proposal
The author of the top-level post is responsible for keeping the title up-to-date with where the proposal is.
The title should be something that clearly communicates what you hope to accomplish.
Proposal stages
You may have an initial idea/concept that you wish to discuss/debate with the community before producing a bonafide proposal with clear objectives.
A period to engage in discussion and respond to feedback and review from core stakeholders and community members.
Once you have gathered sufficient feedback from discussion of your [DRAFT PROPOSAL], you can refine It before creating a specific proposal on-chain. These on-chain proposals should be accompanied by a numbered forum post for discussion during the governance period.