[REJECTED] [PROPOSAL #7] Neutron Growth DAO - by AlphaGrowth


  • 2023-07-12: Created initial post
  • 2023-08-05: Edited ask to a 90 day trial, added summary, reduced cost to 3MM NTRN


At AlphaGrowth We believe that the most important strategy a ecosystem can fund are dApps people want to use and dApps that make revenuw. We have optimized a hit list of 15 top dApps that will help move the needle in any ecosytem. These dApps are looking for their next chain to build on.

In the next 90 days we plan to bring at least 3 champion dApps to Neutron that will add more value and utility to Neutron than the cost. This is what we believe would be a minimum viable trial in which we can show the efficacy of AlphaGrowth and the team and platform. We are the best ecosystem growth team in the industry working with us will skyrocket Neutron’s brand and awareness to 1000’s of developers and projects as well as the quality teams that matter.

With this trial we will prove that we have the capabilities and strategies to help grow Neutron.
We look forward to working with you and the community.


Neutron is the first smart contract platform on the CosmosHub via ICS. Neutron is run by Web3’s best and brightest infra minds, with maximum uptime and optimized performance built into its core.

In alignment with Avril and Neutron’s presentation at the Gateway Conference(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bto-iaG0wMQ). AlphaGrowth is proposing to help deliver on the strategy and execution for Neutrons GrantsDAO.

The AlphaGrowth Team has identified multiple opportunities to help increase protocol value for both Neutron InterChain, NTRN tokens and eventually the CosmosHub.

The Neutron team, in response, has requested a proposal to help the protocol succeed and expand its footprint.

This strategy involves 4 phases of delivery and execution.

  1. Economic Zone Audit (redacted for trial)
  2. Grants Setup, Strategy & Messaging (redacted for trial)
  3. Ecosystem Growth
  4. DeFi Operations & Listings

Engagement Strategy

Overview of Engagement Strategy

History is the best teacher when looking to understand how we approach an effective engagement. We fundamentally understand what success looks like, and more importantly, how we’re going to get there.

“Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues. You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure.” –Gordon B. Hinkley

Neutron Audit

Weak Infrastructure == Common Blocker

Every Blockchain we speak with boasts that “We have the best tech.”

Composable, Interoperable, Compressed, Fast Finality, Cross-chain, Secure, high TPS. Sure, these are all great features, but they are quickly becoming the status quo in the space. In other words, these features will no longer move the needle, however lacking these features will leave you out of the race entirely. Unless of course, you have your infrastructural ducks in a row.

With the right infrastructure in place, many of the advantages and disadvantages of each individual chain are muted. Without proper infrastructure, it’s tough to even have a seat at the table, let alone win the game.

Whales want to use a bridge with minimal fees and minimal risk, and that’s the narrative that Neutron can help so many blockchains offer.

We will provide a roadmap and strategy on the ideal economic zone layout. From a quick initial review there are many emergent opportunities around Shared Security, Liquid Staking, the Allocator, CosmWasm, and Neutron. Along with opportunities that identify shortfalls, we see that can benefit from the addition of multiple types of DeFi dApps, money markets (lending protocols), bonding protocols, options, yield optimizers, vaults, voter escrow DEXes, leveraged LP positions, secondary bond markets, and even another DEX or two.

We will provide an audit of all existing Neutron use cases to see what currently exists on how every user can utilize the Neutron token. We will outline a map of gaps of utility in the Neutron token.

We will provide an audit to identify common onboarding blockers and strategy on how to mitigate them. We will outline and describe many of the common onboarding blockers.

Current Use Case Mapping

Before planning for the future, it is best to understand and map out, for the community, what is available currently for Neutron and the Neutron Economic Zone.

  • List of all Neutron trading pairs (CEX & DEX)
  • List of Neutron Lending opportunities (money market, AMM money market)
  • List of all Neutron Staking, Bonding and Liquid staking opportunities
  • List of all Neutron Collateralized debt positions (CDP)
  • List of all Neutron Yield aggregators and strategies
  • List of all Neutron Derivatives, Perpetuals and options

Common Onboarding Blockers

Onboarding projects onto a new chain is a massive undertaking. The hub economic zone is responsible for setting up an ecosystem with infrastructure partners, developer resources, and an adequate incentive program. Unmet needs quickly become blockers to overall zone growth.

Top teams are attracted to chains with cutting-edge tech, daily active users, massive liquidity, and substantial transaction volume. However, they will prioritize chain deployments based on the state of the infrastructure, competitiveness of the program, and presence of projects to partner with.

Through onboarding countless projects onto various L1s and L2s, we’ve gathered a list of common infrastructural needs and blockers:

Common Needs:

  • Trusted Oracles
  • Robust DEX, Lending and options protocols native on chain
  • Premier RPC node providers
  • Indexer and Subgraph Solutions
  • Available wallets
  • Native Assets
  • MPC wallets
  • Multisig
  • Fiat ramps (Kado, Stably, Transak, Ramp)
  • Payments (Superfluid, MoonPay, Monarch)
  • Off ramps for users
  • Name Service
  • IBC connections, Bridges and cross-chain messaging solutions

Common Blockers:

  • High deployment costs
  • Lack of liquidity drivers and vaults
  • Project’s composability
  • Initial liquidity
  • Tech requirements
  • Lack of marketing support
  • Deployment prioritization

Stale ecosystem or lack of projects to partner with The developer’s attention will rain on the ecosystem with the most fertile soil!
Some examples of solutions we helped solve for Kava:

Grants Setup, Strategy & Messaging:

After analysis, AlphaGrowth will create a step-by-step playbook and execution plan to advance Neutron . AlphaGrowth will use its resources, push the boundaries of Core Tech available, as well as leverage the upcoming innovations within the Zone including, but not limited to: CosmWasm Module Development, Community Pool Enhancements, Governance in the Neutron Zone, Replicated Security Chains Partnerships, Liquidity Services from Hub and adjustment Neutron Tokenomics.

Ecosystem Growth

Modern portfolio theory says that by investing in more than one stock, an investor can reap a reduction in the riskiness of the portfolio. The same thing runs true in a robust Ecosystem.

DeFi Diversification

Within the context of DeFi there are 27 categories of dApps. By having a solid offering of DeFi dApps, users will be less likely to sell their token. This is the fundamental theory of token optionality. We’ve always held onto dollars, because of how much we can do with them (no matter where we are on Earth).

Some categories of DeFi include:

  • DEXs
  • Order books
  • Lending (money market, AMM money market)
  • Fixed-rate lending
  • Liquid staking
  • Collateralized debt positions (CDP)
  • Yield aggregators and strategies
  • Derivatives and options
  • Algo-stables
  • Synthetics
  • Launchpads
  • Reserve currency
  • Concentrated liquidity
  • Prediction markets
  • Indexes (token sets)
  • Privacy services
  • Insurance
  • Flatcoins

The more risk adjusted yield and hedge opportunities there are, the less likely the user is to sell. Having 2-3 options for each category will create market competition internally within the ecosystem as well to provide the right mix of products for the community.


Ecosystem Growth (BD & Marketing)

AlphaGrowth, using its Database and relationships with over 50 blockchains, will run business development efforts on behalf of Neutron Bridge. We will work with the foundation and community to identify and sort rank new and existing opportunities with various blockchains.

Using a data driven approach AlphaGrowth will create opportunities for Neutron Bridge to expand to as well as provide new revenue streams for the protocol.

Our team will begin with the warmest leads; blockchain ecosystem and foundations that we have already established partnerships with. Nearly all of these chains are hungry for high quality bridge infrastructure.

As we further open up the funnel, we will explore integration with all other EVM and Cosmos based chains that we are tracking in our database.

AlphaGrowth will play the role of the sales and marketing team along with the liaison between the chains and Neutron integration team.

In similar efforst we eecently we have helped the Kava Ecosystem bring over 83 projects to the Kava chain. This was a 7 month process where we outbound and met with over 2616 teams and projects to source the best builders for the ecosystem.

Feeding the Data Beast

Speaking of optionality, it’s crucial to note: optionality is only real if a user knows that they have it. As it stands, many of the top analytics sites do not reflect NTRN data accurately.

Part of getting more exposure to the Neutron Bridge is feeding the sites where web3 native users consume the data.

Our team will update (and keep up to date) all token terminals and aggregators with correct NTRN data. Some of these sites include DefiLlama, TokenTerminal, CoinGecko, CMC, CrunchBase, Messari, Blockworks, CoinDesk, CryptoFees, and ICO drops.

Feeding proper data into the beast will ensure ubiquitous marketing, educational and value based onboarding experiences.


We will host weekly meetings with the Neutron community and issue monthly reports with full transparency of operations and deployments. Some of the key components of the reports include:

  1. Current Narratives
  2. Pipeline & Progress of campaigns / integrations
  3. New NTRN utility and listings
  4. Updated data on token terminals and aggregators
  5. New Marketing partners
  6. Use of funds discussions

The team will establish direct communication channels with the Neutron team to post reports and receive feedback. Neutron will always know where it stands, and more importantly, where it is going.


Founded in 2018, AlphaGrowth has helped strategize, fund, and market hundreds of blockchain projects. Our mission is to help the next top 1,000 crypto projects get funding and go to market. Our DAO is led by a team of data, mathematics, economists and computer scientists with deep blockchain experience.

Previously, the founding team built a computer matching algorithm to match 80,000 fintech companies with 7,000 investors and private equity firms. AlphaGrowth is now applying these same principles to match crypto projects to corresponding ecosystem criteria and desires.

DeFi Heavy, Crypto Native

AlphaGrowth has been involved since the beginning of the DeFi revolution. From the launch of SushiSwap and the vampire attack, AlphaGrowth founders have been trading, yield farming, and lending crypto on decentralized and centralized platforms. With that background, in early 2021, AlphaGrowth helped Sommelier.finance with its entire launch and go-to-market strategy.

Throughout that experience, the team at AlphaGrowth grew and began to expand its services to other crypto projects and blockchains such as NEAR, Kava, Aurora, Dfinity, ThunderCore, and Meter who rely on AlphaGrowth’s marketing, strategy, and growth services to this day.

We have seen what works and more importantly what doesn’t. The service we offer is a mixture of strategy, brand, narrative, community, events, marketing, and tokenomics. Above all, every project we take on, we want to see exist in the world. We are your partner through the entire process, and we want to be your partner for years to come.

Why us, and why now?

  • We have experience running multiple growth programs
  • We are established and have been in business since 2018
  • Our strategies have proven to be successful even through crypto winter
  • We have met with 100+ ecosystems, and have partnered with many of them
  • We have built a crypto CRM and dashboard to help quickly score, evaluate, and report progress of BD
  • We have are actively tracking on and off-chain data of over 40,000 crypto projects
  • We have 4,500+ relationships in crypto and have deployed projects via grants to over 100 EVM and Cosmos-based projects
  • We have built the best BD team in crypto

Compensation & Commission

Neutron Audit, Grants Setup, Strategy & Messaging:

Estimated 3 months @ $90,000

Ecosystem Growth & Grants Deployment:

Type of Grant Fee
Integration/Launch grant 15% minimum
Research grant 15% minimum
RFP/Bounty 15% minimum
  • paid a 15% performance fee on all integrations for non-dilutive capital (grants) successfully introduced by AlphaGrowth LLC
  • AlphaGrowth will receive 5% of such fully funded grants for active conversations for support.
  • AlphaGrowth will collect 5% marketing fee for any fully funded token swaps or OTC trades, throughout this engagement.
  • AlphaGrowth will require a minimum $30,000 per month in Neutron token at contract strike price

NTRN Liquidity Incentives:

Type of Incentive Fee
TVL incentive 10%
Transaction volume incentive/rebate 10%
Unique wallet / MAU Milestone incentive 10%
Trading volume incentive 10%
Liquidity incentive to bootstrap / deepen pool 10%
  • Some grants are paid in liquidity incentives for pools will this is a bit less direct than a Grant any liquidity incentives introduced by AlphaGrowth will incur compensation.

Funding and Budget

We propose to allocate 3,000,000 NTRN (~0.3% of the NeutronDAO’s overall allocation) to the Growth Program. The estimated annual operational budget (not including performance bonus) is as follows:

Category Cost
Legal Expenses $0
Maximum Cost for Grants Lead $0
Maximum Cost for Reviewers $0
Operational Expenses (i.e. General Operations, Website, Social Media, Software Licenses, and Marketing) $90,000
One-off Reserve Buffer (i.e. Unexpected/Emergency Legal Expenses, Unexpected/Emergency Operational Expenses) $0
Total $90,000

Initially, we anticipate that the necessary amount required (around $360,000) to cover the operational budget for one year, as well as a certain amount of USD-denominated grants, will be converted into US dollars equivalents; such transactions would be carried over-the-counter (OTC) or in private markets to minimize market impact.


To ensure long term goal-alignment we are proposing the execution of this strategy be carried out in a 3 month proposal.


AlphaGrowth LLC will service this proposal.
A multi-sig with the core Neutron team will ensure Neutron has custody of funds where appropriate as per Grants DAO, sub DAO structure aligned in this video (https://youtu.be/Bto-iaG0wMQ?t=697)

KPI and Bonus Structure


  • 3 top projects lined up to launch via the grants program


We charge a 10% commission for all grants, liquidity incentives, milestone grants upon KPI success.
To be voted on by the community discussions every 6 months

Relevant Links: https://alphagrowth.io/

Target On-chain date: 14th August 2023


Working with Alpha growth has been like a game changer for my organisation @Traddify. Alpha growth’s passion and commitment towards supporting start-ups and solutions in the web3 space and all round is revitalising.
Their willingness to always provide 24/7 support to the vision and needs of my organisation cannot be over emphasised. The team are always up to date with partnerships and support tailor fitted for every stage of my organisations development. I strongly recommend Alpha growth to every Founder or organisation in need of Growth.

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AlphaGrowth support and experience in the web3 space, especially within the defi ecosystem was incremental for our organization @Blockchain-ads.com
The founding team unparalleled experience on overall strategy and positioning has been crucial to the growth on our and user base and go-to market.
Highly endorsing their proposal. It works (“personalized-blueprint)

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Webiste? Team Member names, Linked In Profiles, Twitter Accounts… provide more information, and what are 45.000$ per month is needed for?

I believe this would be a game changer for Neutron and believe Neutron can become a top DeFi platform with the proven trackrecord of Alphagrowth on Kava. I highly approve this proposal and look forward to Alphagrowth help grow Neutron with their vast network. We would be happy to help migrate projects to support Alphagrowth.

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We have spent a few months working with Alphagrowth here at Privcash and are honoured to recieve exceptional assistance and support with our startup. Alphragrowth has impressed us with their quick communication and assistance with working with some of the best web3 users.

We have had a smooth experience with them and are already experiencing support in grants, marketing and etc.
+++++++ from us!

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This seems to be a questbook competitor for the tech side of running grants programs. Is that correct?

Alphagrowth has been a key supporter for Equilibre’s launch on Kava. Both Bryan and Rebecca have been in close contact with us since the very beginning working on strategy, how polish our proposals and how to approach investors. Without a doubt they have fulfilled their company’s mission: bringing investors and projects closer to each other and helping out projects to get grants. Not only with Equilibre but with other projects in Kava as well. Best of luck with this proposal!

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Twitter page:
LinkedIn page:


YouTube Channel:

Ecosystem Growth & Tokenomics
Bryan Colligan, Founder


Twitter account:


Medium: https://medium.com/@BryanColligan

Ecosystem BD

Joe Bjornsen, Co-Founder



Twitter account:


Partnerships & BD

Anna Shuvalova



Twitter account:


Grants Analyst

Kyril Vlasenko






Michael Borisov





BD Operations Lead

Vitaliy Serdyuk



Research and DAO Relations

Growth Manager

Oksana Vlasenko



Twitter account:


Shardul Pilley





As to why we charge what we charge, setting up a program like this will take a large effort to execute effectively. Having worked on a similar delivery we had a fulltime team of 8 people for the first 3-4 months to gaurantee a successful start.

10-15k per month will be spent on raise the brand awareness and marketing Neutron. Almost no one knows Neutron outside the Cosmos community. To be successful this will need to change. Attracting the best devs requires a great story and making sure others hear the story.

In the long term, this will be more costly than the proposed Neutron Grants Program for both the chain and potential grantees. In my opinion, it is preferable that the network pay a larger fee to ensure that a potential grants program does not have to collect commissions on grants.

I also find this problematic due to the misaligned incentives here. If AlphaGrowth will collect a 10% commission on every grant, then they are incentivized to accept a larger amount of grants that may not fit the core growth objectives of Neutron.

“30 projects funded via the grants program” is a completely misaligned KPI… we specifically need projects that drive value to Neutron. I would recommend replacing this with something related to Community Pool fee revenue generated by projects.

TLDR: This proposal will most likely end up being more costly to the chain AND to grantees than [APPROVED] [PROPOSAL 14] Launching the Neutron Grants Program.

Great thoughts @josef. I will say from experience running multiple programs we arrived at our pricing from guidance from smooth running ecosystems and chains.

I like this idea, but this is more of an investment DAO vs a Grants program. There is still a bunch of infrastructure needed to make Neutron successful. I could see this working after the proper infrastructure is in place. 6-12 months from now.

If you do not like what’s delivered, vote no on bonus commission.

we have the exact same arrangement with 6 other grants programs and it make the most sense for both parties. the key difference is that there is generally 2-3 deciders at the foundation that bless the grant.

2 things problematic with this statement:

  1. You are projecting self dealing and suggesting fraud. The industry is small and AlphaGrowth’s reputation is worth more than to trying sneak a couple extra tokens in commission voted on by the community.
  2. The north star core growth objectives for Neutron have not been declared. Once they are then we will 100% align grants and incentives to that metric. From other chains we have worked with they are:
  • TVL
  • Trading Volume on chain
  • Users/Wallets
  • Transaction Volume
  • Stables on chain
  • dApp quantity
  • gas fees generated
    I personally would recommend a combination of TVL and market cap of assets generated on chain to start. To create a healthy ecosystem you need a large enough liquidity base layer to make a real economy.

From our experience running multiple grants programs you don’t know exactly what will drive the most value. Some teams are great at product but can generate zero attention. Which creates zero value some teams fail to launch. What we have found is that incremental grants with aligned KPIs are the best way find the right team who doesn’t just talk a good game back can execute and distribute. Incentivize the results not just the production costs. A grants program is more like money ball than trying to find one superstar.

Would be happy to discuss this and any other concerns on a recorded twitter spaces.


Questbook and Reverie are both similar, the main difference between us and other competitors are the Out bound nature of our services.

For Kava to help launch 80+ dApps we met with +2800 teams and projects. Kava’s inbound of projects was around 200 with an average grant conversion ratio of 2.5% that come out to 5 projects they would deploy grants to in a similar timeframe.

A recent analysis of Questbook running the Compound Grants Program for 6 months in a similar fashion brought over only 89 applicants for grants. They had a 38% funding ratio.

You have to go out meet, court and incentivize the best developers and teams. Otherwise your inbound flow will be unable to generate the best returns for your grants program.

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Thank you for your reply @bryancolligan.

So what is it, an investment DAO or a grants program? This proposal looks like a Grants Program pitch - not a request for funds to form an Investment DAO. Nowhere in your proposal do you mention the word “investment”. It’s always “grants”.

  • “AlphaGrowth will receive 5% of such fully funded grants for active conversations for support.”
  • “Integration/Launch grant” / “Research grant”
  • “AlphaGrowth is proposing to help deliver on the strategy and execution for Neutrons GrantsDAO.”

You’ll need to be clear about what it is exactly you are proposing when you go on-chain if you want to avoid ambiguity.

Unfortunate that you think I am suggesting fraud. Here are my thoughts on this: even without fraudulent intention, it is likely that more grants may end up passing if the managers of a grants program are not incentivized, by method of compensation, to select only the highest quality of projects.

This specifically may refer to bonus commission, but this does not:

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Thank you for your feedback, this is helpful and will revise for clarity.

The InvestmentDAO idea you put out would be return on investment focused and has issues.

The main reasons why it’s grants vs investments is that it’s difficult to have contracts and enforcement action DAO to DAO. you have to trust the DAO to deliver as well as constructing a profitable relationship is not legally advised in most cases.

Going to think on it more.

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Alphagrowth has been very instrumental to the growth of the Kava network through the Kava Rise grants program and thanks to the awesome team with massive expertise in the field, many innovative projects have been developed on the Kava EVM.

As Ajira Pay Finance, through the 24/7 support of the alphagrowth team, we were able to secure our first grant on the Kava Rise program as we gear up for the launch of our first product, a crypto streaming platform on the Kava EVM.

There is indeed no doubt that by partnering with alphagrowth for the Neutron Growth DAO program, Neutron will experience massive ecosystem growth and will give birth to lots of innovative projects on the Neutron platform that if well supported and managed, will give a win-win scenario to all the communities involved and further increase protocol value for Neutron in the long run.

I truly believe in the expertise of the alphagrowth team and highly recommend them for the Neutron Growth DAO.

[quote=“bryancolligan, post:1, topic:98”]
[/quote]go on ,we believe we can do it

Unique Champion dApps will make or break a new chain like Neutron

Here are the top projects currently on AlphaGrowth looking for a place to build. Will the Neutron community pass this up?

SupplyChain dApp
Chain agnostic supply chain middleware acting as a liaison for enterprise blockchain adoption. Increasing real network traffic and giving exposure to shiny brands (Coca-Cola already leveraging their tech)

Desci dApp
The intersection of deFi and deSci. Strong team enabling the tokenization of molecules putting crowdfunded cancer research onchain.

RealWorld asset dApp
Team of serial founders with 4+ yrs of tokenization experience have built a tokenized real estate marketplace. Their first rental property was sold in 14 hours for $170K.

GameFi, web2-web3
one of the largest brands in the world is coming into crypto through a project building the web3 game pass. Promoting to 200M+ MAUs.

Decentralized storage, dApp
The team that built Disney+ is building a decentralized storage and streaming platform - they’re already partnered with NASA and Universal Studios.

GameFi GameStudio
The team that built Fruit Ninja launched a web3 game studio and is launching a game with a well known movie studio.

Defi Multichain
Multichain DEX aggregator enabling the swapping of ANY asset for ANY asset on ANY network to ANY wallet

Enabling businesses to seamlessly integrate Crypto payments. 100K active wallet users totaling over $100MM in value.

Web3, Community Marketplace
Bringing on-chain verification and tokengating to communities on Telegram and Discord, current users include NBA, TIME, and Axie infinity. 45k Discord channels totaling 900k users.

Real world assets, Web2-Web3
Building a tokenized marketplace of hotel room bookings - already partnered with Expedia and Priceline.

Defi, infrastructure, Bridge
Fully permissionless and decentralized bridge between ETH and Cosmos. Dozens of 10MM+ transactions logged. Zero dev backdoors, and zero hacks. Fully self-running and the ONLY profitable bridge in existence.

Web3, NFTs
With 2 Grammys and 10 platinum records, this founding team is empowering music and media creators to monetize their content and eliminate predatory record labels. 361% rev growth this year.

Defi, Wallet
Browser extension providing the lowest rates in the market for DeFi swaps across multiple platforms and chains. Partnered with Arbitrum and 0x, backed by Outlier Ventures.

DeFi, TradingBot, Crosschain
A Multichain telegram trading bot that utilizes momentum trading algos to signal users of interesting trades and has execution embedded in telegram.

Defi, Money Market
VC funded money market looking to expand to new chains either under existing brand or new brand that has attracted over 100MM in TVL.

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I think compensation & commission should be capped on the first proposal. (for exemple xxxk neutron) because it look like a incentive DAO which is not how i see Neutron.

I was listening to the twitter space. i feel like KPI sound great but to focus on.

It should be volume because if there is volume = transaction. if there is transaction, Neutron & atom holder win.

I wasn’t so convince about what you think Neutron need.

Great feedback commission will be voted on at the end of the engagement by the community.